Here are a few examples of our fish replicas. All of our fish have molded-in mouths with excellent detail and transparent, flexible fins. Our fish replicas are very easily finished with extremely good scale detail. For an additional charge of $15.00 we can even install foam gills, which are ready to paint. Our turn around time is 2-3 weeks. We ship Fed-Ex.
Please feel free to contact us at 903-473-4529, or email us at
The excellent craftmanship of their replicas show their commitment to quality. With the realistic fin, scale and mouth detailing it
Brent Myers – Coastal Creations Taxidermy
I’ve been using Bev’s fish for over 10 years now. Her blanks are easy to finish off, and love the
Mike Kroessig – Marine Creations Taxidermy
Over the years I have purchased well over 100 replicas from Bev’s Fish Creations. Bev is truly a magnificent artist
Dave Montgomery – Canadian Fish Taxidermist
I have used Bev for several years and have four trophy fish reproductions. With catch and release very important to
C. Tinsley – Canyon, Texas
I have used replicas from Bev’s Fish Creations for years. The quality is always good and the turnaround time is
Don Frank
We proudly Accept
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2429 Fm 515 | Emory, TX 75440 | PHONE: (903)473-4529 | EMAIL: